How to plan your ESG journey with The Disruption House…

Your sustainability journey should not stop after you’ve completed your ESG self-assessment. 


Once you have completed the survey, you will have all of the vital information that you need to plan your ESG journey.


If your business needs more support, the sustainability experts at The Disruption House can put you on the fast-track to sustainable success, helping you build your ESG capabilities, get regulatory-ready and attract new employees, customers and investors. 


To learn more about our services, get in touch by clicking the image below. 




Taking the Next Step


Here are a few key pieces of advice to keep in mind after you have completed your self-assessment. 


  • Assemble the Team


By identifying at least 2 – 3 ESG ambassadors in your business, you can hand responsibility for your sustainability agenda over to the employees who are most invested in seeing it through.


Our ESG Employee Survey is the perfect way to pick these ambassadors, who will action your plan and feedback on results. 


  • Pick Your Quick Wins


Agree on your 4-5 priorities for improvement, starting with the areas where you can see the most success by using your existing current resources.


For example, whilst achieving environmental goals is important for the long-term sustainability of your business, it can take substantial time and investment. 


On the other hand, changes to the social and governance aspects of your business – such as refining your approach to risk management or community engagement – can be achieved much more quickly, and can bring substantial short-term benefits to your business.


  • Start the Clock


With all of the deadlines of day-to-day business, we understand that achieving your ESG goals can sometimes slip down the list of priorities. 


By developing a timeframe in which you keep track of your objectives and achievements, you can make your team more accountable – and ensure that the important work gets done.


  • Celebrate your Victories


Throughout the process, communication is key. 


By publicising your achievements, you not only keep internal and external stakeholders invested in your sustainability journey, but can also show your commitment to ESG to your existing clientele and new customers. 


To start your business on the path to sustainable success, take our ESG self-assessment by clicking here.



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