Get Ready
for Operational Resilience Regulation

The convenient and cost-effective route to prepare for operational resilience regulation in the EU, UK, USA and Australia.

Get Ahead
of Regulation

Operational resilience regulation requires the financial industry to treat operational resilience and cybersecurity risk at a comparable level to financial risk. Technology suppliers will be required to demonstrate their capabilities in line with the new standards in order to meet buyer demands.

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) came into effect on January 17th, 2025. It will be closely followed by SS1/21 Operational Resilience in the UK in March 2025.

The question is, how prepared are you?

The Convenient and Cost-Effective Route to Regulatory-Readiness

The DORA Baseline Assessment provides an algorithmically scored Operational Resilience Regulation Gap Analysis Report with full traceability back to specific paragraphs in each regulatory article.

Developed in association with financial industry renowned specialists, such as JWG (RegDelta), the DORA Baseline Assessment is your ultimate guide to all things operational resilience.

The Process

Rapid Assessment


  • 120+ Questions:
    Ensuring full DORA coverage
  • Multi choice answers:
    Based on industry best practices

Cross Reference

  • Baseline Questions: A set of baseline questions helps in identifying red flags where certain DORA articles may not be adequately addressed.
  • Comparison: The responses are assessed against industry standards.
Risk Management


  • Red Flags:
    Identifying issues from the assessment.
  • Artifact Scores & Benchmarking:
    Calculating scores as a percentage per article.
  • Total DORA Score:
    Determining overall compliance.

The Output

The DORA Baseline Assessment scores your digital and operational resilience capabilities. You will receive your readiness score as a percentage alignment against regulatory references.

The Operational Resilience Regulation Gap Analysis Report will also help you plan and implement your remediation strategy, ensuring that you can become compliant rapidly and cost-effectively.

It combines rigorous analysis, industry benchmarking, and regulatory alignment to deliver actionable insights. This multi-faceted approach ensures that you not only understand your current position but also have a roadmap for achieving and maintaining operational resilience compliance.

Demonstrate your readiness across each of 5 categories and 34 topic areas and highlight red flags that require attention in order to avoid disruptions from the Digi

A Robust DORA Readiness Checklist

  • A comprehensive DORA baseline questionnaire
  • Algorithmic score versus your technical % completeness
  • Red flags linking specific next step actions with legal articles
  • Paragraphs from DORA’s legal framework, dynamically linked to your answers
  • Relevancy (Low – High) for impact analysis
    Impact area (financial institutions vs. vendors) for ownership

Start Your Readiness Journey Today

Immediately start assessing your current DORA readiness standing and track your progress using our intuitive platform.

Identify your ICT suppliers

The assessment and monitor progress through the TDH Insights Portal

Review results and receive a detailed report​

Contact Form

ESG Benchmark Score Request

Please complete and submit the form below and a consultant will be in contact shortly.